I have been doing some puppy obedience training with my coton de tulear puppy.
To train sit you need to get a treat. Then hold the treat so he sees it above him, so he sits. As he sits, say "sit". Do it lots and then without the treat.
Training your dog to come is the best and easiest to train. Get a treat and go and sit down and say "come" and hold the treat so the dog can see it. The dog will come - give the dog the treat. Do it until the dog comes without the treat.
To train stand you need to have a treat. Get your dog to sit and hold the treat in front of your dog so he has to stand to get it. As your dog stands say "stand". Do it lots and your dog will do it without a treat.
Training down was difficult, for Luigi is small. He did not have to lie down to get the treat. But when he was 3 months old he did have to lie down to get the treat so he is learning down now. Get a treat and tell your dog to sit. When he is siting, show him the treat and put it in front of him. As he bends to get it move it forward so it is easier for him to get when lying down. As he goes down say "down." You can use the word lie or down, but we said 'down' when he was jumping up so we agreed we would use 'lie' - but we forget !!! So we now use 'off' not 'down' and 'down' is 'lie down'.
Give is a word we have not taught Luigi. You need a toy you can throw and lots of treats. Now play fetch but when your dog comes with the toy, instead of playing tug of war, give the dog the treat. As he lets go of the toy so he can have the treat, say 'give'. Do it in small bursts so he is not bewildered.